Guide to Weapons and Armor in Combat

7 min readMar 11, 2024


Astronauts face the challenge of battling aliens without the advanced technology of refining resources. The solution lies in the ancient chests, relics from a time when aliens themselves roamed and mastered the cosmos.

  • Ancient Origins: The starter chests are not products of current astronaut craftsmanship; they are ancient artifacts left by aliens, containing unknown materials.
  • Chest Explosion: Through the website, astronauts can explode up to 3 chests simultaneously, they need to have an exploder in their bags and at least one chest that is not staked on their lands to complete the action.
  • Crafting the Rusty Fork: Quantum fibers, a durable and strong resource from another planet found within these chests, are key to crafting the Rusty Fork. This weapon stands as the most loyal and effective tool yet against alien adversaries.

Explode Outputs

Base Chest Outputs:

  • Quantum Fibers: 200–800, crucial for crafting the Rusty Fork and other items.
  • Random Resource: 0–300 units of regular resources found within the game.
  • Chromo: 0–15, a rare material for advanced crafting.
  • Alien Goo: 0–3, used in special recipes and potions.
  • Alien Glitter: 0–5, another rare crafting component.
  • Sunlight Serums: 0–2, essential for energy recovery.
  • Health Potions: 0–3, vital for health restoration during or after combat.
  • Alienoid: 0–1, a rare find with unique uses.
  • Dravocado: 0–1, offers health or energy benefits.
  • GXP: 1–25, gain experience points for leveling up.
  • Health Damage: 0–15, the risk involved in exploding the chest.

Level 2 Chest Outputs:

  • Quantum Fibers: 400–1200, a significant increase for more substantial crafting needs.
  • Random Resource: Up to 400 units of one type and another 400 units of a different regular resource, doubling the potential haul.
  • Chromo: 0–30, enhanced chances for more of this rare material.
  • Alien Goo: 0–5, increased quantity for crafting.
  • Alien Glitter: 0–8, more of this valuable crafting ingredient.
  • Sunlight Serums: 0–3, more opportunities for energy recovery.
  • Health Potions: 0–5, increased health restoration possibilities.
  • Alienoid+: 0–1, potentially better or more powerful than the base Alienoid.
  • Dravocado: 0–2, more chances for health or energy benefits.
  • GXP: 1–50, a greater experience gain for leveling.
  • Alienoid: 0–1, a chance to obtain this rare entity.
  • Health Damage: 0–25, a higher risk for greater rewards.
  • AP: 0–200

Turtle Bag

  • Quantum Fibers: 150–400, crucial for crafting the Rusty Fork and other items.
  • Random Resource: 0–200 units of regular resources found within the game.
  • Chromo: 0–15, a rare material for advanced crafting.
  • Alien Goo: 0–3, used in special recipes and potions.
  • Alien Glitter: 0–4, another rare crafting component.
  • Sunlight Serums: 0–2, essential for energy recovery.
  • Health Potions: 0–3, vital for health restoration during or after combat.
  • Alienoid: 0–1, a rare find with unique uses.
  • Dravocado: 0–1, offers health or energy benefits.
  • GXP: 1–25, gain experience points for leveling up.
  • Health Damage: 0–15, the risk involved in exploding the chest.

Maze Bag / Suit

  • Quantum Fibers: 250–600, crucial for crafting the Rusty Fork and other items.
  • Random Resource: 0–250 units of regular resources found within the game.
  • Chromo: 0–15, a rare material for advanced crafting.
  • Alien Goo: 0–5, used in special recipes and potions.
  • Alien Glitter: 0–5, another rare crafting component.
  • Sunlight Serums: 0–2, essential for energy recovery.
  • Health Potions: 0–3, vital for health restoration during or after combat.
  • Alienoid: 0–1, a rare find with unique uses.
  • Dravocado: 0–1, offers health or energy benefits.
  • GXP: 1–25, gain experience points for leveling up.
  • Health Damage: 0–25, the risk involved in exploding the chest.

Thunder Bag

  • Quantum Fibers: 400–800, crucial for crafting the Rusty Fork and other items.
  • Random Resource: Up to 400 units of one type and another 400 units of a different regular resource, doubling the potential haul.
  • Chromo: 0–20, a rare material for advanced crafting.
  • Alien Goo: 0–10, used in special recipes and potions.
  • Alien Glitter: 0–20, another rare crafting component.
  • Sunlight Serums: 1–5, essential for energy recovery.
  • Health Potions: 0–5, vital for health restoration during or after combat.
  • Alienoid: 0–1, a rare find with unique uses.
  • Alienoid+: 0–1, a rare find with unique uses.
  • Dravocado: 0–2, offers health or energy benefits.
  • GXP: 1–50, gain experience points for leveling up.
  • Health Damage: 0–50, the risk involved in exploding the chest.
  • AP: 0–150

Plus bags / Suits+

  • Quantum Fibers: 600–1200, crucial for crafting the Rusty Fork and other items.
  • Random Resource: Up to 400 units of one type and another 400 units of a different regular resource, doubling the potential haul.
  • Chromo: 0–30, a rare material for advanced crafting.
  • Alien Goo: 0–10, used in special recipes and potions.
  • Alien Glitter: 0–30, another rare crafting component.
  • Sunlight Serums: 1–5, essential for energy recovery.
  • Health Potions: 1–5, vital for health restoration during or after combat.
  • Alienoid: 0–1, a rare find with unique uses.
  • Alienoid+: 0–1, a rare find with unique uses.
  • Dravocado: 0–2, offers health or energy benefits.
  • GXP: 1–75, gain experience points for leveling up.
  • Health Damage: 0–50, the risk involved in exploding the chest.
  • AP: 0–200

Upcoming Update — /exploders as a Weapon:

  • The forthcoming update introduces /exploders as a new weapon type. Its use, however, is highly unpredictable. Rusty Fork: Your Reliable Combat Companion

Combat Weapons

Rusty Fork: Your Reliable Combat Companion

The Rusty Fork serves as a robust and dependable choice for astronauts engaging in combat with aliens. Its attack power mirrors that of the boomerang (atk * 1.5), but with distinct advantages:

  • Defense Capability: Unlike the boomerang, using a Rusty Fork allows you to defend.
  • Durability and Loyalty: This weapon is far more reliable, comparing to the boomerang.

The upcoming update introducing poison and the Magnetic Repulsor is scheduled for this week:

  • Poison Application: With the update we will have this week, you’ll be able to poison your Rusty Fork, amplifying its attack power to atk * 2.5.

Poison can be acquired through interactions with aliens during /explore missions, victories in combat, or potentially via a lucky return from your boomerang.

  • Magnetic Repulsor: With the same update you will meet the Magnetic Repulsor, a /craft-able potion requiring the Rusty Fork for activation. It will enable you to trap and stun aliens, freezing them for several turns based on the level difference between you and the target.

Usage Dynamics:

Same Level Encounters (Player = Alien):

Health Deduction per Use: 10 health points deducted per use. 10 uses before the Rusty Fork is completely worn out.

Alien Stronger than Player (Alien > Player):

Health Deduction per Use: The deduction is 10 + (level difference), with a cap at 20 health points per use. This results in a minimum of 5 uses when facing significantly stronger aliens.

Player Stronger than Alien (Player > Alien):

Health Deduction per Use: Deduction is 10 — (level difference), with a minimum of 1 health point per use. Allows for a maximum of 100 uses when the player outlevels the alien by more than 5 levels.Boomerang: A Strategic Combat Choice

Attack Power: Using a boomerang boosts your attack by 50% (atk * 1.5), making it a powerful weapon choice in combat.

  • Inability to Defend: When opting for a boomerang, keep in mind you sacrifice your defense for a turn, requiring careful planning and strategy.
  • Durability: The boomerang never breaks, offering unlimited usage. However, its return is not guaranteed.
  • Return Rate: Initially, there’s a 70% chance of the boomerang returning to you if the alien is at the same level. This chance increases by 5% for each level you surpass the alien, up to a maximum of 95%. Conversely, the return rate decreases if the alien is of a higher level than you, making engagements with much stronger aliens riskier.

Loot Chances:

  • Regular Resources: 25% chance to gain 3–15 units.
  • Special Materials: 5% chance for 1–10 units of chromo, alien glitter, or alien goo.
  • Sunlight Serum and Dravocado: 3% chance each to obtain one, aiding in health and energy recovery.
  • Health Potion: 2% chance to obtain one, crucial for maintaining health in prolonged battles.
  • Rare Finds: 1% chance for alien hair and some other disgusting items that could make your astronaut lose some will points.
  • It hits you get some self-damage.
  • Exceptionally Rare Loot: A 1 in 400 chance to secure items like Cosmic Comfort Tea, Cosmic Espresso, Galactic Glow Perfume, and Black Market Tickets, Starter Chest, Astronaut Suit

Strategic Use:

  • Against Lower-Level Aliens: The boomerang shines in battles where you significantly outlevel your opponent, enhancing both damage output and loot chances.
  • Post-Trapping: Deploying the boomerang after trapping an alien maximizes both its return rate and your combat efficiency, leveraging your strategic advantage.

Fish Scale Shield: Enhancing Defense and Strategy

Armor Stats:

  • Effectiveness: Enhances your defense (def * 1.5) and provides an additional shield (hp * 0.8), acting as a secondary health bar.
  • Protection: This armor effectively shields you from alien damage until it is depleted, serving as a barrier that prevents direct harm.

Strategic Advantages:

  • Distraction Ability: The armor not only offers physical protection but also includes a mechanism to distract aliens, potentially causing them to lose their turns. This feature adds a layer of tactical depth to combat.
  • Barehands or Boomerang: Using either increases the chance to distract an alien by 30%.
  • Rusty Fork: Wielding this weapon boosts the distraction chance to 50%.
  • High Alien Damage: If an alien’s attack power significantly exceeds your defense, even robust armor like Fish Scale Armor can be overwhelmed by a single strike. This situation often indicates a challenging fight where the alien’s level or strength outmatches your current defenses.

The effectiveness and longevity of your armor against alien attacks are closely tied to the comparative level and strength of both you and the alien. Against opponents of a lower level, your armor will show greater durability, effectively absorbing more hits before being compromised.Knowing that high-damage attacks from aliens can critically damage or break your armor in one hit, it’s vital to strategize your battles. This could involve using distractions more effectively, choosing the right stance to minimize incoming damage, or leveraging potions and other items to boost your defense and health during critical moments.

