Exploring Dimensions in Aphelium

3 min readJun 7, 2024


Dimensions in Aphelium are parallel universes where reality is altered, offering new challenges and rewards. These dimensions allow astronauts to move and interact more dynamically with the environment. Here’s what you need to know about dimensions and how to navigate them effectively.

Shared Lands: While exploring dimensions, you still share some parts with landowners. The percentage you share with the land owner is linked to the rarity of the land.

Astronaut Movement: In these parallel universes, astronauts can move around the land, collecting resources and engaging in more interactions.

Resource Collection and Dimensional Keys

Gathering Resources: Players collect regular and specific resources by completing NPC jobs on the job board.

Dimensional Keys: Use stickers, WAXP, or WUFF to get “Dimensional Keys”

Activating Portals: Using a Dimensional Key opens a portal on a random land, transforming it into a themed mining area with visual and functional changes. Use the /travel command by holding your key to reach them.

Temporary Transformation: The land transforms temporarily, providing a set timeframe to explore, fight, level up or extract resources.

Extending Stay: Stay beyond the timer by paying costs in WAXP, WUFF, or stickers.

Visibility and Movement

Limited Visibility: Players start with limited visibility, only seeing and moving to adjacent blocks initially.

Energy Consumption: Movement consumes energy points.

Getting Lamps: Increase visibility by getting lamps through NPC jobs, allowing for strategic movement and better planning.

Obstacles, Rewards, and Possibilities

Poisonous Crops: Move past quickly for a health penalty or clear with tools to harvest resources.
Wooden Walls: Break through with an axe or circumvent at the cost of more energy.
Mushroom Blocks: Clear with a sickle to harvest mushrooms or rarer items.
Junk Piles: Take time to clear but yield multiple rewards, including WUFF, NFTs, maps, recipes, and shiny resources.
Springs: Navigate or use fishing rods to fish for rewards like fish, garbage, radioactive items, NFTs, or rare artifacts.

Alien Encounters
Optional Engagement: Choose to engage aliens for rewards.
Mandatory Combat: Defeat aggressive aliens blocking your path to proceed.

Loot and Collectibles

Lootboxes: Explode to unlock treasures.
Collectible Pieces: Find parts of maps or recipes that unlock new capabilities or secrets.
Keys and Warp Stones: Find the key and use it on the warp stone to advance to the next level.

Mines and NPC Job Board

From Mines to Jobs: Resources from mines unlock higher-tier or special jobs posted by NPCs.
From Jobs to Mines: Completing these jobs rewards players with items that aid in deeper mine exploration or efficiency in overcoming mine challenges.

Dynamic Obstacles (Coming Soon)

Alien Movement
Initial Placement: Aliens start in predetermined locations.
Random Movement: Aliens move to adjacent blocks at set intervals, influenced by the player’s location if aggressive.
Player Interaction: Players anticipate or react to these movements, setting traps or choosing paths to avoid encounters.

Mushroom Spread
Initial Growth: Mushrooms appear in specific spots, starting small.
Spread Mechanism: Mushrooms spread to adjacent blocks over time, influenced by environmental factors.
Clearing and Collecting: Clear mushrooms with tools for resources and a quick access to next level or let them grow for larger harvests!

Stay tuned for more updates and dynamic challenges in the ever-expanding universe of Aphelium!

