Detailed Guide About Dimensions in Aphelium!

7 min readJun 18, 2024


Dimensions in Aphelium are parallel universes where reality is altered, offering new challenges and rewards. Here’s everything you need to know about entering and navigating these dimensions effectively.

Entering Dimensions:

To enter a dimension, use the /shop command to grab a Dimensional Key for 2 WAXP or the equivalent amount in WUFF. This key gives you 10 minutes inside the dimension. Once you have the key, use the /travel command to enter the dimension. Make sure you’re fully prepared, as you’ll need full reputation, full health, and full energy to enter.
If your time runs out, you can extend your stay for 3 WAXP or choose to leave. If you lose all your HP, don’t worry — you can revive for 1 WAXP and continue your adventure. Just make sure to set up a bank account on our website to handle these transactions smoothly.

Using Stickers (Coming Soon):
Soon, you’ll be able to turn 1 sticker into 10 pieces. To buy a Dimensional Key, you’ll need 2 pieces. Until this feature is live, you can send 1 sticker to rwd.aphelium to get your 10 sticker parts for now. This way, everyone stays on a level playing field.

Shared Lands and Resource Sharing:

Dimensions might be parallel universes, but they happen on lands owned by other players. This means you share some resources with the landowners. Here’s the breakdown:
Common: 10%
Uncommon: 15%
Rare: 20%
Epic: 35%
Legendary: 50%
You keep all shiny resources, lootboxes, and AP you earn. Regular resources from fishing, scavenging, etc., are shared according to the land’s rarity.

Dimension Levels and Levelling Up

Dimensions in Aphelium have limitless levels, each offering better rewards and increased dangers. Here’s how to navigate and maximize your experience:

Rewards and Dangers:
As you climb the dimension levels, the rewards get juicier. You’ll find rare items more often, earn more AP from scavenging, and collect a greater amount of both shiny and regular resources. But with great rewards come great risks. You’ll face higher-level aliens, suffer more health damage from obstacles like poisonous crops or radioactive items, and deal with tougher environmental hazards.

Levelling Up:
To move up to the next dimension, you need to find a key within the current one. Once you’ve got the key, head to the warp stone and use it to automatically advance. This unlocks better rewards and tougher challenges.

Clearing Obstacles:
You don’t have to clear all obstacles before leveling up, but it’s a smart move. Clearing obstacles grants you extra GXP bonuses. Each new dimension level boosts the GXP earned from clearing obstacles by 30%. So, the more you clear, the more you gain.

Strategy Tips:
Find Keys: Keep an eye out for keys in each dimension to level up.
Clear Obstacles: Aim to clear as many obstacles as possible for those sweet GXP bonuses.
Handle Dangers: Be prepared to face higher-level threats and manage your health and resources wisely.
Use Specialized Items: In dimensions, you can’t rely on regular food or commands. Instead, you’ll need to use dravocados, crystal berries, sunlight serums, cosmic espressos, and cosmic comfort teas to survive and explore.

Moving, Activities and Energy/Will Use

In Aphelium’s dimensions, every movement consumes 1 energy point. Use the buttons in the interface to explore, and note that stepping on the same spot again doesn’t cost extra energy.

When you first enter a dimension, you start with limited visibility, only able to see and move to adjacent blocks. This makes strategic planning crucial as you navigate through the unknown. To improve your visibility, you’ll need to get lamps by completing medium-level jobs available from NPCs. These lamps will allow for better movement and planning within the dimension.

Clearing Obstacles
While navigating through dimensions, you’ll encounter various obstacles that require specific actions to clear, allowing you to collect valuable resources.

Mushrooms might block your path, and to clear them, you’ll need scissors. Chromo scissors have 12–13 uses, costing 1 energy point and 5 will points per use, while regular scissors have 6–7 uses, costing 2 energy points and 10 will points per use. Clearing mushrooms rewards you with shiny mushrooms, but you can also choose to walk around them.

Poisonous Crops
Poisonous crops are another challenge. Passing through them without clearing will cause you to lose HP, and the health loss increases with each dimension level. Use a sickle to clear these crops and receive shiny crops as a reward. Chromo sickles have 12–13 uses, costing 1 energy point and 5 will points per use, while regular sickles have 6–7 uses, costing 2 energy points and 10 will points per use.

Navigating and managing these obstacles effectively will help you maximize your exploration and resource collection in Aphelium’s dimensions.

Junk Piles
Junk piles present another challenge in dimensions, requiring three clears to disappear completely. Unlike other obstacles, clearing junk piles doesn’t need any tools and won’t risk your health or will points. Each search costs 1 energy and 10 will point and takes 30 seconds. As your searching skills improve, this duration decreases, allowing you to make the most of your 10-minute exploration.

Clearing junk piles guarantees a 100% chance of finding AP, with the amount increasing as you progress through dimension levels. For instance, in a Level 1 dimension, you might find between 100–200 AP, while in a Level 8 dimension, the range jumps to 195–1095 AP. You’ll also always find both a random regular resource and a shiny resource.

Beyond these guaranteed rewards, you might uncover additional treasures such as random regular and shiny resources, sunlight serum, dravocado, map parts, recipe parts, level 1 and level 2 food, cosmic espresso, bronze, silver, gold, and diamond lootboxes, and max health potions. Map and recipe parts are particularly significant; there are five parts for each, with part 1 being the most common and part 5 the rarest. Higher dimension levels make it easier to find these rarer parts, enhancing both the quantity and quality of rewards and increasing your chances of uncovering valuable items essential for game advancement.

Water Obstacles and Activities

When navigating water obstacles in dimensions, you can’t walk directly on water. To cross, you’ll need to use pallets to create bridges. Alternatively, you can choose another path if available, as maps are generated randomly. Occasionally, you’ll encounter flowers and leaves on the water. Picking them up doesn’t consume energy points, and these flowers will be useful for jobs. Note that you can’t place a bridge without first picking the flowers.

Fishing in water requires specific tools and skills. The Chromo Fishing Rod, which can be used 12–13 times, costs 1 energy point and 5 will points per use and offers better outcomes. In contrast, the Regular Fishing Rod, usable 6–7 times, costs 2 energy points and 10 will points per use with lower chances for better rewards. Initially, fishing takes 20–40 seconds, but with the fishing skill, you can decrease the time spent, making it more efficient and reducing the time taken from your limited 10 minutes.

Fishing in dimensions offers the potential for significant rewards but also comes with risks. You can earn shiny resources and have higher chances of finding rare items compared to junk piles. Possible rewards include lootboxes (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond), map parts (1–5), recipe parts (1–5), sunlight serum, dravocado, cosmic espresso, and max health potions. However, you might also encounter garbage, which causes a loss of will points, or radioactive items, resulting in health loss. As dimension levels increase, these health and will penalties also get higher. Using Chromo tools decreases the risks and increases the chances of rewards, but there is still a significant risk.

While fishing, you may encounter distractions. You can choose to investigate or continue fishing. If you investigate, you might find a friendly alien that gives double the rewards, encounter a hostile alien and engage in combat, or meet a friend and earn friendship points, reputation, and more. Ignoring a friend while fishing is considered rude by the Aphelians, leading to a loss of 10–30 reputation points and 10–30 friendship points. However, if you investigate and find a friend, you can gain 10–50 reputation points, 10–50 friendship points, 10–50 will points, and 10–25 GXP.

In dimensions, encountering aliens is inevitable. The level of these aliens increases with each dimension level, so exercise caution before leveling up. At the first dimension level, aliens range between levels 7 and 15. With each subsequent dimension level, both the minimum and maximum alien levels increase by 15%.
You can’t run away from aliens in dimensions — you have to fight. If you die during combat, you can revive for 1 WAXP or later for 1 sticker part or an equivalent value in WUFF. After reviving, you can use potions to restore your health.

Additionally, more options will be introduced for SOS use, which currently allows for revival with a revitalizer.

In dimensions, you can’t use other commands or food items that have cooldown effects. Therefore, you need to rely on items like sunlight serums, dravocados, crystal berries, cosmic espressos, and cosmic comfort teas to sustain yourself and continue fighting.

For detailed numbers on the rewards you can earn with different fishing rods, the levels of junk piles, and other specifics, check out this link:

Aphelium: The Discord Planet Where You Play, Engage, Earn!

The game is based upon the development of sections of land on an unexplored planet somewhere in the universe. Within these sections players will find plenty of resources used to produce food, metals, items and buildings. All of which you can use to improve your very own land NFT!

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