Astronaut PvE Combat Guide!

5 min readMar 11, 2024


Welcome, astronauts! Ready to defend against aliens? Here’s everything you need to know about combat.. at least pre-updates that will come this week!

Basics of Combat

  • Astronauts vs. Aliens: You’ll need potions, weapons, and a dash of luck to beat aliens at your level. Outleveling them by 3–5 gives you a fighting chance without extra gear.
  • Gaining Strength: Increase your stats by leveling up. Earn GXP through /work, /explore, alien encounters, #astronaut events, and dreams.
  • Combat Turns: Combat is turn-based, starting with you.

Preparing for Battle

  • Dungeon Access: Buy dungeon tickets from #market with /shop. Use /travel to enter dungeons.
  • Dungeon Levels:
  • 🟢 Easy: Levels 3–8
  • 🟠 Medium: Levels 8–15
  • 🔴 Hard: Levels 15–30

Daily Dungeon Attempts: Limited to one, with upcoming skills to increase capacity.

Combat Stances Explained

Before entering combat, you can choose your stance, significantly affecting your strategy against aliens. Here’s a breakdown:

Aggressive Stance:

  • Attack Power: Increases by 20% (atk * 1.2)
  • Defense Power: Decreases by 20% (def * 0.8)
  • Energy and Will Points: Attacking costs 1 energy point but earns you 2 will points. Defending costs 2 will points and 2 energy points.

Defensive Stance:

  • Attack Power: Decreases by 20% (atk * 0.8)
  • Defense Power: Increases by 20% (def * 1.2)
  • Energy and Will Points: The expenditure is reversed from the aggressive stance. Defending in this stance costs 1 energy point while earning 2 will points, and attacking consumes 2 will points and 2 energy points.

Balanced Stance:

Your baseline where you utilize your astronaut’s current stats without any modifications.

Choosing the right stance will depend on your combat strategy, the type of alien you’re facing, and your current energy and will points. Aggressive stance favors a high-risk, high-reward approach, focusing on quick victories. On the other hand, the defensive stance is about endurance, reducing the damage you take and conserving resources for a prolonged fight.

Strategy for Attacking

When facing off against aliens, deciding how to attack is crucial. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Weapon Choice: Starting with bare hands is an option, but assess if that’s sufficient to overcome the alien’s strength. Weapons can significantly increase your damage output.
  • Targeting Body Parts: Aliens have specific weak and strong spots.
  • Weak Spot: Attacking here increases damage dealt, leveraging the alien’s vulnerability. (base dmg * 1.15)
  • Strong Spot: Attacks on these areas result in reduced damage due to the alien’s resilience. (base dmg * 0.9)
  • Other Parts: Hitting other areas inflicts standard damage, calculated based on your astronaut’s stats.

The key to mastering combat is understanding each alien’s unique vulnerabilities and strengths. This knowledge comes from experience, as the weak spot remains constant for each alien type. Pay attention to the outcomes of your attacks to learn and strategize effectively for future encounters.

Defense Tactics in Combat

Defending against alien attacks requires careful consideration of your protection strategy. Here are your options and their outcomes:

General Protection: Offers a broad defense, reducing incoming damage by 15% across all attacks, regardless of where they land.

  • Specific Body Part Protection: If you predict the alien’s target accurately and protect that specific area, you can halve the damage received.
  • Calculation: If correct, incoming damage * 0.5.
  • Risk: Guess incorrectly, and you’ll absorb the full force of the attack (100% damage).
  • Choosing Not to Defend: In situations where you feel significantly stronger than your opponent, or wish to conserve will and energy points, opting not to defend is a viable strategy. This choice results in taking full damage but saves your resources.
  • Outcome: You receive the full damage but retain energy and will points for subsequent actions.

Example Scenarios:

  • Alien targets your arms:
  • General protection applied: You take 85% of the damage.
  • Protected arms specifically: You take 50% of the damage.
  • Protected your head instead: You take 100% of the damage and spend “will” and “energy” points.
  • Chose not to protect. You take 100% of the damage, but keep your points.

Special Note on Boomerang Usage:

  • Using a boomerang in combat affects your ability to defend. As your astronaut is preoccupied with catching the returning weapon, you cannot defend against incoming attacks, resulting in receiving full damage (100%) regardless of your defense strategy.

Understanding Alien and Astronaut Vulnerabilities

Alien Vulnerabilities:

  • Aliens have permanent weak and strong spots that, once identified, can significantly impact your strategy.
  • Weak Spot: Attacking here amplifies your damage (base dmg * 1.15).
  • Strong Spot: Attacking these areas reduces damage (base dmg * 0.9).

Astronaut Vulnerabilities:

  • Astronauts also have permanent weak and strong spots, with alien attacks targeting these spots at random. Certain hostile aliens may target your weak or strong spots more frequently.
  • Weak Spot: Suffer increased damage (base dmg * 1.15).
  • Strong Spot: Receive reduced damage (base dmg * 0.9).

Upcoming Potion:

A new potion will soon be available for you to /craft, allowing you to predict the alien’s next attack target. This tactical advantage enables better defense positioning, enhancing your chances of reducing incoming damage.Health and Energy Rejuvenation in Combat

Health and Energy Rejuvenation in Combat

Health Recovery:

  • Regular food can’t be consumed during combat due to cooldown effects. For now, health recovery relies on health serums, restoring 400HP.
  • An upcoming blend will offer full health recovery, eliminating the need for consuming too many potions at higher levels.

Energy Boosts:

  • To maintain energy during combat, you can use items like sunlight serums, dravocados, crystal berries, cosmic espresso, and cosmic comfort tea, all of which are free from cooldown restrictions.

Note that you spend your turn to consume these items!

Remember that you can win big, or you can lose… it’s okay astronauts, keep trying!

