Aphelium Community Events Guide!

3 min readFeb 13, 2024


Hello, Astronaughties! Welcome to our quick and simple guide on the cool events happening around our digital planet. We keep this guide fresh, so as we dream up new fun stuff, you’ll find all the updates right here.

Boss Alien Challenge

When we, as a big space family, hit 5,000 exploration missions, a big, mean Boss Alien decides to pay us a visit. You’ll hear about it in the #astronaut-events channel. To join the fight, you need an Alienoid Plus NFT in your bag, which you get by blending 1 alienoid and 1 sticker. Don’t forget to burn the NFT to have it to your /inventory.

Tailored Rewards for Bravery:

  • Power 120–150 Bosses: Defeat them to get 100 AP for every power point. Each participant who contributes and helps defeat the boss earns 1 serum. If the boss isn’t defeated, participants still earn GXP, friendship, and REP points.
  • Power > 150 Bosses: Defeating these bosses earns you 100 AP for every power point. Each participant who contributes and helps defeat the boss earns 1 serum. The loot also includes 3–4 dravocados or crystal berries, distributed by chance among participants.
  • Power > 170 Bosses: Beating these bosses gives 100 AP for every power point. Each participant who contributes and helps defeat the boss earns 1 serum. Additionally, 7–8 dravocados are shared among participants, again based on luck.

No Participation: If the community is rude and doesn’t respond to a Boss Alien, we all face a 10% reduction in AP and resources, plus a -10 hit to reputation. It’s a collective effort!

Sus Alien’s Black Market Deal

Triggered by reaching 2,500 community work hours, this secretive, risky event opens up in the #astronaut-events channel, with a 30-minute heads-up to join.

Entry and Expectations:

Access: Secure your spot with a “Black Market Ticket” blending 1 sticker NFT for entry, don’t forget to burn the NFT to have it to your /inventory.

What Can Happen:

  • Successful Transaction (65% Chance): Enjoy varying rewards like the Dravocado, plus GXP and friendship boosts. Watch out for the rare chance of losing or doubling your loot due to the event’s quirks.
  • Police Raid (25% Chance): Getting caught means a loss of reputation, will points, and your entry stake, with no Dravocado in hand. However, there’s a chance to escape with or without additional rewards.
  • The Disappearing Act (10% Chance): The dealer might vanish, leaving everyone empty-handed and down on will points. It’s a risky venture with high stakes.

Keeping Things Fresh

This guide’s going to change as we do, always adding new stuff to keep it spicy. We’ll throw all the updates here so you’re never out of the loop.

Joining in on what’s happening is totally up to you. It’s all about making your time here fun and rewarding, without any pressure.

Aphelium: The Discord Planet Where You Play, Engage, Earn!

The game is based upon the development of sections of land on an unexplored planet somewhere in the universe. Within these sections players will find plenty of resources used to produce food, metals, items and buildings. All of which you can use to improve your very own land NFT!

Join us today!

