A Guide to Jobs in Aphelium

4 min readJun 7, 2024


Jobs in Aphelium are tasks offered by NPCs that require players to gather items or resources, rewarding them with items, AP coins, WUFF, and trust points. Here’s everything you need to know to navigate the job system efficiently. This is just the beginning — future updates will introduce jobs requiring actions, deliveries, and even influencing tasks. As you progress, jobs will become increasingly challenging, with more significant rewards. WUFF prizes are exclusively available for professional-level jobs, which will require resources from dimensions.

Job Types and Urgency

Standard Jobs: These are not time limited.
Urgent Jobs (soon to come!): These require immediate action, offer more trust points, and yield bigger rewards, not completing them do not harm you in terms of trust points, they just disappear!

Job Categories

Currently, there are three main job categories, with more to be added:

Restaurant Jobs: Focus on food resources, cooked food deliveries, and new resources from dimensions.
Medicine Jobs: Tasks related to medical supplies and healing.
Mechanical Jobs: Involve mechanical repairs and resource gathering.

How to Get a Job

Discord: Use the command /jobs list to view available jobs.
Website: Navigate to Play -> Jobs in the menu to access job listings.

Job Mechanics

Daily Limit: You can complete one job per NPC per day, plus any jobs you accepted the previous day. For example, if you accept a job today and keep it until tomorrow, you can complete that job and the new daily job.
Sequential Completion: To acquire the next job, you must first complete the previous one.

Trust Points

Earning Trust Points: Completing jobs rewards you with trust points for the specific NPC, unlocking more complicated jobs with better rewards as your trust level increases.
Losing Trust Points: Ignoring a job will result in losing trust points equivalent to what you would have earned by completing it.

Trust Point Levels

Noob (0–29 Trust Points): Basic jobs involving regular resources.
Intermediate (30–89 Trust Points): More complex jobs with better rewards.
Professional (90+ Trust Points): High-level jobs with the biggest rewards, including WUFF, NFTs, and up to 5K AP.

Job Limits and Management

Maximum Jobs: You can take up to 3 jobs at the same time.
Skipping Jobs: You can skip a job by paying WAXP, stickers, or WUFF from your bank account. This allows you to move on to the next job without losing trust points.
Ignoring Jobs: Completely ignoring a job will make you lose trust points, but you will be able to see the next job.

Completing a Job

Discord: Use the /jobs taken command and click the corresponding button to complete a job.

Interaction with NPCs (Soon To Come!)

Increasing Trust Points: After completing a job, interact with the NPC to earn additional trust points. These interactions may involve:
Gifting or Bribing: Offer gifts to the NPC for extra trust points. Give better quality gifts for higher returns!
Playing Games: Spend time playing games with the NPC to get will points.
Helping Out: Use energy points to assist with additional tasks around the NPC’s establishment.

Job Progression and Availability

Daily Jobs: You will see one job from each profession daily according to your progress.

Job Completion and Skipping:

Day 1: If you pick the 1st job but don’t complete it, you will see the 2nd job the next day but won’t be able to pick it until the 1st job is completed or skipped.
Day 2: The list shows the 2nd job, but you can only take it if the 1st job is completed or skipped.
Day 3: If the 1st job is still not completed, you will continue to see the 2nd job. Completing, ignoring or skipping jobs unlocks the next in sequence.

Job Sequencing:

There are 50 easy, 50 medium, and 10 hard jobs. You must take each job in order, progressing from 1 to 30 in each category.
If you are eligible for medium jobs, you can also see and complete easy jobs.
If you are eligible for hard jobs, you can complete easy, medium, and hard jobs.

Example Scenarios

There are 50 easy, 50 medium, and 10 hard jobs from each category. You must take or skip each job in order, progressing from the first to the last in each difficulty.

If you are eligible for medium jobs, which means you have more than 30 trust points, you can also see and complete easy jobs.

If you are eligible for hard jobs, which means you have more than 90 trust points, you can complete easy, medium, and hard jobs.

With the new job system in Aphelium, players can engage in various tasks to earn rewards and build trust in different professional categories. Use this guide to navigate the job system, increase your trust points, and maximize your rewards. Stay tuned for upcoming updates that will further enhance your experience!

Player-Created Jobs (Coming Soon)

Posting Jobs: Players can post tasks like item crafting or combat assistance.
Fees and Rewards: Set rewards in AP, items or tokens, with a small fee in WAXP/WUFF for engagement.
Security and Trust: Resources required for the job are held in a game “safe” until the job is completed, ensuring mutual fulfillment.

